lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

My Blogging Experience

Hi everyone! Today we are going to write our last blog in the semester.  Specifically, in this post we will evaluate our blogging experience.

So, the first thing I would like to comment is my experience in general. I think is was not bad, because I enjoy writing, some post more than others, for example I really liked writing about some TV show, movie and place in Chile that I like it. And also, when I read the blog of my classmates I learned more from them, of their life.

I don’t know if this type of work developed my skills, maybe yes, since every time I use less the dictionary. And I can understand the post to other people write. I don’t say “I’m an expert”, No, definitely no. But I feel that I have progressed (just a little).

About something that I would like include in the future, I don`t know, I think that it has function well. I wouldn’t ask to write about politics opinions or what we think about social movements, since it’s controversial.

Finally I will mention the thing that I would like to write.  We have many options, but personally I would like to write about a animal that we like, exotic or mystery places of the World an artist that inspire us and the music we enjoy it.

sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

A TV Series I've Enjoyed Watching

Hi everybody! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend (of course, that's if you love to study all day, because I'm sure that's what all of us are doing).

Well, If you read the tittle of the blog you can deduce about I am going to write, but not the name of the serie, so I'll give you a couple of clues: it's a comedy, it's happens in New York, Six friends and a typical phrase of this is "We were on a break!".

And if you thought about the Friends series, you're right.

Friends tells the story of a six friends who live in Manhattan, New York. And all the situations whether bad or good that these characters are going to face, but always maintaining their unconditional friendship.

The main characters are:

Rachel Green: she was Monica's best friends in childhood. One day she appears in the Central Perk coffe shop, where they both meet again. After this, Rachel joins the group.

Monica Geller: she is Ross' sister. She is a cook and a obsessive compulsive.

Ross Geller: is Monica' older brother and a paleontologist of a Museum of Natural History. 

Joey Tribbiani: is an actor, womanizer, food lover and a Chandler roomate and his best friends.

Phoebe Buffay: is a masseuse and musical composer. She is a bit strange but she has a good heart.

Chandler Bing: I love Chandler, is my favorite character. I love he is sarcastic personality and despite the constant banters he make to others he proves to be a good friend. He met Ross in a university and from there they become a good friends.

I saw the TV serie at a difficult time in my life and it helped me to laught and forget my problems for a second. From that moment it became important to me and for that reason I love it.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

A Subject I've Enoyed Studying

Hi! everyone. In this last time, we had a hard weeks, but the vacations are getting closer. So, cheer up!

Well, in the activity of today we going to write about a subject we've enjoyed studying. For that, I thougth of the subject of "Anatomy". 

The Anatomy'class are part in the curriculum of the first year in the career of Odontology. And the content is based in the Human Body. In the class we analize the functioning of the organs and how they relate to each other. 

The reason than I like this subject is because I find it interesting. The teachers are committed people to their students and they have mastery in the knowledge of their subject. Also, I like the classroom, J.J. Aguirre, because it is ancient (his architectural style) and considered a heritage.

With respect to the contents, usually we have a theoretical classes about a specify unity, and after we visited the "pavilions", which are rooms where they keep the "samples", composed of human body parts (yes, is scary at first) and we study them.

This subject is useful in our career to understand the regional distribution of the head and neck (in this areas we focus, since we work on them). For example, to dentist is very useful, because in this subject learn the location of the  facial nerves are important to know where to inject the anesthetic.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

My Favorite Career Related Wedsite

Hi everyone! I hope than you had a good weekend.

And now, I going to write a post about a Career-Related Website. But the condition is we like that website.

For that reason I have select the website of the "Fundación Sonrisas". (I leave the link if you want to visit it:
Resultado de imagen para fundación sonrisas sitio web

I use it as a reference in the academic works when we need explain about activities solidarity, related with odontology.

"Fundación Sonrisas" is a solidarity organization founded by a group of six person, all of them gather with a common vision, that all people of Chile can smile. This tougth, boost the creation of the fundation. 

The principal programs of the organization are offer education about the oral health, focus on a educational community, not only the children. Supply oral treatments to people who need it and another activities.

All this information you can find in the website, together others things. For example, the history of the fundation, the team, how you can help, the mission and vision, what they do it, the social programs.

The reason why I like this website is because the information (wich I find interesting), but principally the datum and graphics located in the section "Sonrisas que esperan". In the graphics we can read the number of people who need attention and the days they have been waiting. This is a inspiration to finish the career and present me as a volunteer because everyone deserves quality care. 

lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

My Favourite Place in Chile

Well, today we have to talk about a place that we like very much, either in Santiago or from another part of Chile.

In my case, my favorite place isn't in Santiago, but in the region of Valparaiso. And that place is Algarrobo beach.

Throughout the years, with my family, we have visited this beach every summer and for that I have many memories of the days I was there.

Some of the things that you can do in Algarrobo are, mainly, enjoy the beach. You can swim on the ocean shore or just enjoy the view.

Some people move away from the shore, entering the sea, and take advantage of the waves to surf. Others, participate in the anual race of sailboats. Another activity that has become very popular in the area is diving. Personally, I have never practiced it and it doesn't catch my attention, because is scare me (just a little).

Finally, I will mention the activity of The boat trip (is so beatiful). Wich, brings you to The Penguins's Island, so you can see the Humboldt penguins.

I really love this place, it makes me feel calm and brings back good memories to my mind. I love sitting in front of the ocean to watch the waves.

And I hope, if the luck accompanies me I'll live there some day.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

A Photograph I Like

Hi everyone.

Today we should talk about a photograph, than for some reason, we like it. For that, I select this photo:

In here, I am with my friends and we celebrated the last Halloween. All of us were disguised of differents characters (a whitch, a vampire, "Samara" the girl of ring and a jester)  because we were handing candies to children.

The photograph was taking for the mom of my friend, after we dismantled the decorations. And during that day we were very busy, because we made ornaments with relation of the tematic, a cementery.

All of this, we did like a favor, since one of she is fanatic of the Halloween and always celebrates. But the last year, she didn't  have time to do everything alone. That's why she called us, to asked help. My work, was made the headstone and they were in charged of building a zombie.

At nigth, the people approached. They took pictures and received their candies. It was a tiring day, but at the same time, funny and happy.

I like this photograph, because it reminds me the thing that happened in that nigth of 31st of October. 

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

One of My Favorite Movie: Bohemian Rhapsody

For a person addicted to movies, it is difficult to choose only one. I could choose one film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or maybe a classic how to Grease.

And after so thinking too much I have decided to select the movie Bohemian Rhapsody.

The first time when I saw this movie was the beginning of this year, with my family. But before that, I heard many good criticisms and recommendations. For this reason I was afraid that the film would not meet expectations and finally I wouldn't like. But, after 134 minutes in front of the screen I decided that I was really liked the movie.

Bohemian Rhapsody is a biographical film that shows the history of Freddie Mercury and his participation in the musucal band Queen.

Some of the reasons why I love this movie would be:

The Cast: The physical similarity between actors and the characters they play is incredible. Demonstrating that there was dedication in the selection of cast.

Music: I liked the musical repertoire and the relationship between scenes and song.

The reincarnation of Mercury: The performance of Rami Malej was great. His commitment to the character we can see in the movie.

And well, I hope if you haven't seen the movie, give it a chance.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Favourite Piece of Technology

The world is strange, because always it's changing. Just think about this. Many years ago, the people didn't have T. V or they can't went to cinema. And now is differents. We can have all of this and more. The technology is around us. 

But, not everyone use the same things. It dependes on each one.

For example, I use the televition to watch movie, my phone to comunicate with others persona and my computer to work. 

But my favorite piece of technology is the stereo. I always use it, everyday. When I arrive at my home I turn it on for listen music. 

I like it because you can listen music loud or also, connect it with T. V and increase the volumen of what you watch.

If one day all the stereos disappear I don't really sure what I will do it. Because what is the life without sound?

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My Career Choice

When I was child I dreamed of being vet, because I love animal (yes, I know, it's so corny). But in the moment when I saw my cousin (he is a vet) working hard , in different veterinary hospital and everytime he was exhausted I decided that wasn't for me. For some time, I thougth about studing Law or Psychology. And after I decided to  study Medicine, but my score in PSU wasn't enougth. 

The day that I had to apply to university I was not certain what I want to be. The only thing that I was sure is about where I wanted to study, the University of Chile. 

My options on that day were Odontology, Bachelor in literature and Journalism. And I enrolled in Odontology, because I liked the curriculum. 

About my experience in university, for the moment, it's good. I really like the environment, it's nice and friendly. The subjects are hard, but nothing it's free in the life.

Finally, about my expectations for my future, I hope to work outside Santiago, in the south of Chile. In a little dentist's office, where I will attend whoever need it.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

My Autobiography

Ok people, let's start this. 

My name is Javiera Aliaga. I was born on the 11 st of januery, 1999, in Santiago, Chile. 

I'm was started my studies in Hermanos Matte school and after I was graduated from Instituto Claudio Matte. 

On 2018 I was joined to University of Chile, for study Odontology. 

About my family, I'm the Second of three children. My big brother have 23 years old and the minor have 18 years. All of us, were born in the Santiago city. As my mom. Only my dad was born in Punta Arenas and was lived in differents part to Chile. 

And something about me. I'm really love the stories. I think to everyone have, at least, one story to telling. That is why I love reading book and watch movie. Some my favorite book is The strange case of dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Paper town. And my favorites movies are Breakfast Club, Back to the future trilogy and Les Miserables (the musical) 

Today, I continue to study Odontology in the University. And who know, maybe one Day I will have my degree.