lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Favourite Piece of Technology

The world is strange, because always it's changing. Just think about this. Many years ago, the people didn't have T. V or they can't went to cinema. And now is differents. We can have all of this and more. The technology is around us. 

But, not everyone use the same things. It dependes on each one.

For example, I use the televition to watch movie, my phone to comunicate with others persona and my computer to work. 

But my favorite piece of technology is the stereo. I always use it, everyday. When I arrive at my home I turn it on for listen music. 

I like it because you can listen music loud or also, connect it with T. V and increase the volumen of what you watch.

If one day all the stereos disappear I don't really sure what I will do it. Because what is the life without sound?

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