lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My Career Choice

When I was child I dreamed of being vet, because I love animal (yes, I know, it's so corny). But in the moment when I saw my cousin (he is a vet) working hard , in different veterinary hospital and everytime he was exhausted I decided that wasn't for me. For some time, I thougth about studing Law or Psychology. And after I decided to  study Medicine, but my score in PSU wasn't enougth. 

The day that I had to apply to university I was not certain what I want to be. The only thing that I was sure is about where I wanted to study, the University of Chile. 

My options on that day were Odontology, Bachelor in literature and Journalism. And I enrolled in Odontology, because I liked the curriculum. 

About my experience in university, for the moment, it's good. I really like the environment, it's nice and friendly. The subjects are hard, but nothing it's free in the life.

Finally, about my expectations for my future, I hope to work outside Santiago, in the south of Chile. In a little dentist's office, where I will attend whoever need it.

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