lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

My Favorite Career Related Wedsite

Hi everyone! I hope than you had a good weekend.

And now, I going to write a post about a Career-Related Website. But the condition is we like that website.

For that reason I have select the website of the "Fundación Sonrisas". (I leave the link if you want to visit it:
Resultado de imagen para fundación sonrisas sitio web

I use it as a reference in the academic works when we need explain about activities solidarity, related with odontology.

"Fundación Sonrisas" is a solidarity organization founded by a group of six person, all of them gather with a common vision, that all people of Chile can smile. This tougth, boost the creation of the fundation. 

The principal programs of the organization are offer education about the oral health, focus on a educational community, not only the children. Supply oral treatments to people who need it and another activities.

All this information you can find in the website, together others things. For example, the history of the fundation, the team, how you can help, the mission and vision, what they do it, the social programs.

The reason why I like this website is because the information (wich I find interesting), but principally the datum and graphics located in the section "Sonrisas que esperan". In the graphics we can read the number of people who need attention and the days they have been waiting. This is a inspiration to finish the career and present me as a volunteer because everyone deserves quality care. 

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